Sunday, September 14, 2008

Scottish Ale a Brewin'

Hey everybody. It's been a busy year, but I'm finally back to home-brewing. A Scottish Ale is bubbling in the fermenter at this very moment.

Also, just got back from a trip to Racine, WI for the Great Lakes Brewfest. Awesome as always. 250 breweries represented...great brew...good food. Lots of really cool people wandering arouond sampling some of the best beers in the country. Ale Asylum's Contortor Porter stands out as one of my personal does Tyranena's Bitter Woman IPA. By the way, any idea why Tyranena no longer ships to Illinois??

OK...that's enough for tonight.

Later kids.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey everybody...we're gonna talk about something other than beer today. Something very very very important, so listen up. A musician named Matt Bachrach recently passed away, leaving behind a wife and two young sons...with another on the way. The article says he had no life insurance, and was the family needs help.

I'd like to encourage anyone who is reading this to go to , CDBaby or iTunes and start buying his CD's and songs...c'mon man.

There's more info at

Peace Everybody...
