Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hey there...sorry for the long delay...anyway, we're back and ready to talk beer.

I'm recently back from Portland, OR. The nature of the trip didn't really allow me to get out and try as many of the local brews as I really really wanted to, but I did stumble upon a couple really fantastic ones.

I am in love with the Bridgeport IPA. It is easily among my favorite brews at this moment in time, but now that I've been home for a few days, I'm at a loss for how to really describe sadly I can't throw much of a review your way. But if you find yourself in the Pacific Northwest for any reason, grab yourself a couple of bottles...its definitely worth it...

Check em out on line at Bridgeport Brewing Company

The other brew that caught my attention was the Broken Halo IPA which is produced by Widmer Brothers. Fantastic stuff, but again, I am at a loss for how to really describe it as now that I'm back in the midwest, the only Widmer Brothers we can get is the hefeweizen. So again, if you find yourself in Washington or Oregon and have time for a tasty brew check it out at Widmer Brothers.

And for now, I've gotta run...but I'll be back soon, so keep checking back.

Later kids.


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